Middle School » Academics



At FLACS Middle School, students engage in inquiry-based learning across all subject areas. Critical thinking and conceptual understanding are emphasized alongside content. 


FLACS Middle School is committed to ensuring all students succeed at a high level. To help ensure that all students are successful, FLACS Middle School offers:
  • Intervention courses in ELA and Mathematics: Students who need support with foundational skills are programmed for these classes. Every trimester, students are reevaluated to determine the need to take the course. These courses happen while other students are working independently so that they do not miss core instruction. 
  • Lunch GOLD: Teachers meet with students in need of “in-the-moment” support during lunch hours. These groups change often based on student needs.
  • English as a New Language (ENL) Support: Each grade level has an assigned ENL teacher who supports students who are learning English for the first time
  • Special Education Support: A group of special education teachers work with students based on the needs in their Individualized Education Program (IEP). FLACS MS offers ICT and SETSS settings. FLACS has counselors and a speech teacher to work with students who are mandated for these services and contracts with other agencies to provide physical and occupational therapy. 


FLACS Middle School works to ensure that its students are ready for high school.
  • Earning High School Credit in Middle School: Students can earn up to three courses of high school credit as Middle School students. In the 8th grade, all students take High School Algebra I, US History and Advanced Spanish. If students pass the course and the associated Regents exam, they will earn high school credit at the end of 8th grade.
  • Executive Functioning Skills: A focus on self-restraint, working memory, emotion control, focus, task initiation, planning/prioritization, organization, time management, defining and achieving goals, flexibility, observation, and stress tolerance help set students up for success in high school and beyond.
  • High School Application Support: While most students choose to continue to FLACS High School, the counseling staff supports students who wish to apply to other schools. 
Complete the form to get the application process started. Once you complete the form, a FLACS member will get back to you as soon as possible.