About » Our Policies

Our Policies

Please follow the link here to the Parent Student Handbook page for important information on all school and network policies.
The most updated version is in the FLACS Parent-Student Handbook
It is the policy of FLACS to maintain a safe and supportive learning and educational environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation and/or bullying committed by students against other students. To read more on our policy prohibiting Student-to-Student Discrimination, Harassment, Intimidation and/or bullying click here.
 Any parent/guardian wishing to formally grieve/complain about a procedure, action, or directive of a FLACS employee should follow the FLACS Grievance Procedure outlined here.
This policy can also be found in the FLACS Parent-Student Handbook.
It is the policy of the Family Life Academy Charter Schools (FLACS) Network of schools to furnish to the public the information and records required by the Freedom of Information Law (“FOIL”) constituting Article 6 of Public Officers Law (“POL”). Click to review our FOIL POLICY and obtain our FOIL LIST OF RECORDS.