A FLACS High School?

 FLACS has broken ground on constructing a brand new facility for FLACS IV at 1401 Cromwell Avenue, just across the street from FLACS I! We are planning to formally request from our authorizer to make FLACS IV a 9-12 high school to serve our community. Originally, we were planning to build another K-8 school, but having a high school will allow us to provide a new avenue to support the community! 

Yes, you heard us right! A FLACS High School, right on 170th Street and Cromwell Avenue!

We are applying to our authorizer to make the change so that our high school will open in 2022-2023! And while we still will encourage our students to explore ALL of their high school options, if this change is approved all FLACS scholars will also automatically be eligible to go to the high school if this is the option they choose!

We hope that you are excited as we are about this! But we need your support to make this happen. When we ask for this change, we need to show that this is something that the community supports!

Please help us by signing your name to our letter of support! ​I Support FLACS HS Form / Formulario Yo Apoyo la escuela Secundaria de FLACS​​​


Marilyn Calo, CEO

Evelyn Castro, COO